Monday, January 18, 2010

Globes of Gold.

GOLDEN GLOBES WERE FAB. However, I feel as though the only category on which I can adequately commentate is Best Television Series, Comedy or Musical. For those of you who did not catch any sort of news on the globes, the winner for this category was...
I must admit, I'm a total fan (haven't missed an episode), but truthfully, Glee was the last show I would expect to win. Think about it- here's a show that is mainly geared towards young teenyboppers and musical theater lovers, a small percentage of the American population. Not to mention it was up against 30 Rock (another one of my faves), The Office, and Entourage in addition to Modern Family (a show I have never seen.) So what made Glee the winner?

I think 30 Rock and The Office split the votes. They're both comedic shows on NBC that appeal to a similar type of liking. Entourage is somewhat difficult to follow if you haven't started watching from the beginning of the show and the only thing I know about Modern Family is that it's filmed in a mockumentary style, which some people just don't go for.

By default, Glee won. Or maybe not...
Glee cannot be praised for its portrayal of real life high school situations, let's face it. But it kind of instills a sense of je ne sais pas in its viewers. Everyone likes a show where everyone comes together to accomplish something that's bigger than an individual, it's just a feel good thing. And whether or not you eat sleep and breath musical theater or think its shmeh, there's no way you can deny that the cast isn't talented.
The whole winning thing is kind of what the show's about, the underdog rising above and stealing the show. So Kudos to you, Glee. Kudos.

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