Monday, January 25, 2010

Tales from an afternoon snack.

I ate some grapes today and made a miraculous, yet obvious, discovery.
Grape flavored candies, sodas and such DO NOT actually taste like grapes! That only led me one step further in my grand realization; no artificially fruit flavored foods taste at all like their all- natural counterparts! Now, I don't know about you, but I'm feeling a little gypped. If I want something that tastes like a grape, I want it to taste like the fruit I just ate for snack! Artificial flavoring doesn't taste bad, don't get my wrong. I would just appreciate if food companies would show a little integrity, be a little more honest. If they're going to make a product, like fundip, that they're trying to pass off as a fruit flavor, they should really make it work! If not, they shouldn't try to tell us "this what a grape tastes like," when clearly, if you go into my refrigerator, you're not going to find a sweet tongue-depressor stick and dip it into a puddle of crack-looking sugar! The food companies could at least get a little more creative with the flavor names if they're not going to even make them taste like the real deal. Instead of lying to kids saying that candies and sodas taste like grapes, why not name them something like razzle dazzle or crazy chemical flavored. That will lure 'em in!

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